Jim and I met through our dogs back in 1994. Shortly thereafter, we started dating; 6 months later we were married and took our 3 chocolate Labradors on our honeymoon in 1995. Our foundation bitch, Maggie, came from Mel Pfiefle of Hampshire Kennels and shortly after that we purchased Jed, Windy Ridge Hill Billy Boy and created our kennel Windy Ridge Labradors. Over the past 25 plus years, we strive to breed exceptional Labradors in health, temperament and confirmation. We continue to improve our Labradors by researching pedigrees prior to each breeding.
Robin focuses on the show aspect of our Labradors and Jim actively works them in the field and water as his hunting companions. Jim brings out their natural abilities and it brings us pleasure and joy to watch them do the things they are bred for. We have been able to produce many good looking Labradors that participate in obedience, agility, hunting, conformation, and dock diving. However, one of our most proudest breedings is our Theodore son, Kenji, who is a service dog to a young lady in a wheelchair with MS. Watching him provide valuable assistance and confidence for his owner to do everyday things makes the heartaches of breeding worth it!!!
We have one or two special litters each year. Each litter is researched and matched to continue with our healthy and solid breeding program. Please reach out to us on availability of our upcoming litters.
Thank you for visiting our website and getting to know us.